Friday, October 20, 2006


I'm thinking of moving already. The carpets smell of dog here, and I'll always be a wordpress girl at heart.

In other news, today I have mostly been sniffing and coughing. I took the day off work - something I hate doing when there are just two of us in the office - and despite my illness being very much genuine and apparent (to the point that I carry the evidence on my sleeve) I can't help but feel terribly guilty.

I have to take back what I said about One Summer. I'm really enjoying Billy and Icky's adventures now. And it wasn't until the menu screen popped up last night that I realised there are two discs to watch. And, of course, I only had the first. Gah! So I thought I'd catch up my weekly dose of The Apprentice USA (probably my most favourite thing on the tellybox at the moment) only to find that some the idiotic scheduler decided to broadcast the last four episodes within a week? Suddenly, instead of five candidates, I am seeing the final two. Not happy.. not happy at all, and not least of all because I prided myself on my ability to predict who'd be getting the next cab home. How am I going to impress the cats now?

Today's Room 101: Drivers that hover at the top of Every. Single. Bastard ramp in a multi-storey car park.


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